Rough Word-by-word:
they gathered together therefore, and filled twelve baskets of pieces from the five loaves the of barley which they were left over the having been eaten.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore they gathered and filled twelve baskets of pieces which were left over from the five barley loaves having been eaten.
συνήγαγον verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from συνάγω (I gather together) "they gathered together"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
καὶ conjunction "and

ἐγέμισαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from γεμίζω (I fill) "they filled"
δώδεκα numeral accusative plural masculine "twelve"
κοφίνους noun accusative plural masculine "baskets"
κλασμάτων noun genitive plural neuter "of pieces"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from, out of"
τῶν definite article genitive plural masculine "the"
πέντε numeral genitive plural masculine "five"
ἄρτων noun genitive plural masculine "loaves"
τῶν definite article genitive plural feminine "the"
κριθίνων adjective genitive plural masculine "of barley"
ἃ relative pronoun accusative plural neuter "which"
ἐπερίσσευσαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from περισσεύω (I am left over) "they were left over"
τοῖς definite article dative plural masculine "the"
βεβρωκόσιν perfect active participle dative plural masculine from περισσεύω (I eat) "having been eaten"
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