Τῇ ἐπαύριον ὁ ὄχλος ὁ ἑστηκὼς πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης εἶδον ὅτι πλοιάριον ἄλλο οὐκ ἦν ἐκεῖ εἰ μὴ ἕν, καὶ ὅτι οὐ συνεισῆλθεν τοῖς μαθηταῖς αὐτοῦ ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἰς τὸ πλοῖον ἀλλὰ μόνοι οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ ἀπῆλθον·
Rough Word-by-word:
The next day the crowd the having stood beyond the sea they saw that [a] small boat other not it was there if not one, and that not he went in with the disciples of him the Jesus into the boat but alone the disciples of him they went away,
Smooth Translation:
The next day the crowd having stood beyond the sea saw that no other small boat was there, not even one, and that Jesus did not go in with his disciples into the boat, but his disciples alone went away,
Τῇ definite article dative singular feminine "the"
ἐπαύριον adverb "next day" ("on the morrow")
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
ὄχλος noun nominative singular masculine "crowd"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
ἑστηκὼς perfect active participle nominative singular masculine from ἵστημι(I stand) "having stood"
πέραν adverb "beyond"
τῆς definite article genitive singular masculine "the"
θαλάσσης noun genitive singular masculine "sea"
εἶδον aorist active indicative 3rd plural from ὁράω (I see) "they saw"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
πλοιάριον noun nominative singular neuter (diminutive of πλοῖον) "small boat"
ἄλλο adjective nominative singular neuter "another"
οὐκ adverb of negation "not"
ἦν verb imperfect indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am)"it was"
ἐκεῖ adverb "there"
εἰ particle "if"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
ἕν numeral nominative singular neuter "one"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
οὐ adverb of negation "not"
συνεισῆλθεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from συνεισέρχομαι (I go in with) "he went in with"
τοῖς definite article dative plural masculine "the"
μαθηταῖς noun dative plural masculine "disciples"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive singular masculine "of him"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative singular masculine "Jesus"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
πλοῖον noun accusative singular neuter "boat"
ἀλλὰ strong adversative conjunction "but"
μόνοι adjective nominative plural masculine "alone"
οἱ definite article nominative plural masculine "the"
μαθηταὶ noun nominative plural masculine "disciples"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive singular masculine "of him"
ἀπῆλθον verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from ἀπέρχομαι (I go away) "they went away"
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
John 6:21
ἤθελον οὖν λαβεῖν αὐτὸν εἰς τὸ πλοῖον, καὶ εὐθέως ἐγένετο τὸ πλοῖον ἐπὶ τὴν γῆν εἰς ἣν ὑπῆγον.
Rough Word-by-word:
they were wishing therefore to take him into the boat, and immediately it became the boat on the land unto which they were going.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore they were wanting to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat became on the land unto which they were going.
ἤθελον verb imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from θέλω (I wish, I will) "they were wishing"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
λαβεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from λαμβάνω (I take, I receive) "to take"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative singular masculine "him"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
πλοῖον noun accusative singular neuter "boat"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εὐθέως adverb "immediately"
ἐγένετο verb aorist middle indicative 3rd singular from γίνομαι (I become) "it became"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
πλοῖον noun nominative singular neuter "boat"
ἐπὶ preposition with accusative "on"
τὴν definite article accusative singular feminine "the"
γῆν noun accusative singular feminine "land"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
ἣν relative pronoun accusative singular feminine "which"
ὑπῆγον verb ( intransitive use) imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from ὑπάγω (I lead, I go) "they were going"
Rough Word-by-word:
they were wishing therefore to take him into the boat, and immediately it became the boat on the land unto which they were going.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore they were wanting to take him into the boat, and immediately the boat became on the land unto which they were going.
ἤθελον verb imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from θέλω (I wish, I will) "they were wishing"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
λαβεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from λαμβάνω (I take, I receive) "to take"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative singular masculine "him"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
πλοῖον noun accusative singular neuter "boat"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εὐθέως adverb "immediately"
ἐγένετο verb aorist middle indicative 3rd singular from γίνομαι (I become) "it became"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
πλοῖον noun nominative singular neuter "boat"
ἐπὶ preposition with accusative "on"
τὴν definite article accusative singular feminine "the"
γῆν noun accusative singular feminine "land"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
ἣν relative pronoun accusative singular feminine "which"
ὑπῆγον verb ( intransitive use) imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from ὑπάγω (I lead, I go) "they were going"
Monday, September 27, 2010
John 6:20
ὁ δὲ λέγει αὐτοῖς· ἐγώ εἰμι, μὴ φοβεῖσθε.
Rough Word-by-word:
the but he says to them, "I I am, not you all be afraid."
Smooth Translation:
but he said to them, "I am, do not be afraid."
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and, but"
λέγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he says
αὐτοῖς pronoun dative plural masculine "to them"
ἐγώ personal pronoun nominative singular masculine "I"
εἰμι verb present indicative 1st singular from εἰμι (I am) "I am"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
φοβεῖσθε verb present passive imperative 2nd plural from φοβέω (I am afraid) "you all be afraid"
Rough Word-by-word:
the but he says to them, "I I am, not you all be afraid."
Smooth Translation:
but he said to them, "I am, do not be afraid."
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and, but"
λέγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he says
αὐτοῖς pronoun dative plural masculine "to them"
ἐγώ personal pronoun nominative singular masculine "I"
εἰμι verb present indicative 1st singular from εἰμι (I am) "I am"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
φοβεῖσθε verb present passive imperative 2nd plural from φοβέω (I am afraid) "you all be afraid"
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
John 6:19
ἐληλακότες οὖν ὡς στάδια εἴκοσι πέντε ἢ τριάκοντα θεωροῦσιν τὸν Ἰησοῦν περιπατοῦντα ἐπὶ τῆς θαλάσσης καὶ ἐγγὺς τοῦ πλοίου γινόμενον, καὶ ἐφοβήθησαν.
Rough Word-by-word:
when they had rowed therefore as stadia twenty five or thirty they see the Jesus walking on the sea and near the boat becoming, and they were afraid.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore, when they had rowed about five or six thousand yards, they saw Jesus walking on the sea, becoming near the boat, and they were afraid.
ἐληλακότες perfect active participle nominative nominative plural masculine from ἐλαύνω (I drive, I row) "when they had rowed"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
ὡς adverb "as"
στάδια noun accusative plural neuter "stadia" ( a unit of measure about 200 yards)
εἴκοσι numeral "twenty"
πέντε numeral "five"
ἢ conjunction "or"
τριάκοντα numeral "thirty"
θεωροῦσιν verb present active indicative 3rd plural from θεωρέω (I see) "they see"
τὸν definite article accusative singular masculine "the"
Ἰησοῦν proper noun accusative singular masculine "Jesus"
περιπατοῦντα present active participle accusative singular masculine from περιπατέω (I walk) "walking"
ἐπὶ preposition with genitive "on"
τῆς definite article genitive singular feminine "the"
θαλάσσης noun genitive singular feminine "sea"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐγγὺς adverb "near"
τοῦ definite article genitive singular masculine "the"
πλοίου noun genitive singular masculine "boat"
γινόμενον present middle participle accusative singular masculine from γίνομαι (I become) "becoming"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐφοβήθησαν verb aorist passive indicative 3rd plural from φοβέω (I am afraid) "they were afraid"
Rough Word-by-word:
when they had rowed therefore as stadia twenty five or thirty they see the Jesus walking on the sea and near the boat becoming, and they were afraid.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore, when they had rowed about five or six thousand yards, they saw Jesus walking on the sea, becoming near the boat, and they were afraid.
ἐληλακότες perfect active participle nominative nominative plural masculine from ἐλαύνω (I drive, I row) "when they had rowed"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
ὡς adverb "as"
στάδια noun accusative plural neuter "stadia" ( a unit of measure about 200 yards)
εἴκοσι numeral "twenty"
πέντε numeral "five"
ἢ conjunction "or"
τριάκοντα numeral "thirty"
θεωροῦσιν verb present active indicative 3rd plural from θεωρέω (I see) "they see"
τὸν definite article accusative singular masculine "the"
Ἰησοῦν proper noun accusative singular masculine "Jesus"
περιπατοῦντα present active participle accusative singular masculine from περιπατέω (I walk) "walking"
ἐπὶ preposition with genitive "on"
τῆς definite article genitive singular feminine "the"
θαλάσσης noun genitive singular feminine "sea"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐγγὺς adverb "near"
τοῦ definite article genitive singular masculine "the"
πλοίου noun genitive singular masculine "boat"
γινόμενον present middle participle accusative singular masculine from γίνομαι (I become) "becoming"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐφοβήθησαν verb aorist passive indicative 3rd plural from φοβέω (I am afraid) "they were afraid"
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
John 6:18
ἥ τε θάλασσα ἀνέμου μεγάλου πνέοντος διεγείρετο.
Rough word-by-word:
the and sea of wind great blowing was aroused.
Smooth Translation:
and a great blowing of the sea wind was aroused.
ἥ definite article nominative singular feminine "the" (note: Although the article is proclitic, it is followed here by the enclitic particle and so receives an accent. See Dana and Mantey page 31)
τε enclitic particle "and"
θάλασσα noun nominative singular feminine "[the] sea"
ἀνέμου noun genitive singular masculine "of wind"
μεγάλου adjective genitive singular masculine "large, great"
πνέοντος present active participle genitive singular masculine from πνέω (I blow) "blowing"
διεγείρετο imperfect passive indicative 3rd singular from διεγείρω (I am aroused) "[he] it was aroused"
Rough word-by-word:
the and sea of wind great blowing was aroused.
Smooth Translation:
and a great blowing of the sea wind was aroused.
ἥ definite article nominative singular feminine "the" (note: Although the article is proclitic, it is followed here by the enclitic particle and so receives an accent. See Dana and Mantey page 31)
τε enclitic particle "and"
θάλασσα noun nominative singular feminine "[the] sea"
ἀνέμου noun genitive singular masculine "of wind"
μεγάλου adjective genitive singular masculine "large, great"
πνέοντος present active participle genitive singular masculine from πνέω (I blow) "blowing"
διεγείρετο imperfect passive indicative 3rd singular from διεγείρω (I am aroused) "[he] it was aroused"
Monday, September 20, 2010
John 6:17
καὶ ἐμβάντες εἰς πλοῖον ἤρχοντο πέραν τῆς θαλάσσης εἰς Καφαρναούμ. κατέλαβεν δὲ αὐτοὺς ἡ σκοτία καὶ οὔπω ἐληλύθει Ἰησοῦς πρὸς αὐτοὺς,
Rough Word-by-word:
and getting into a boat they were going across the sea unto Capernaum. overtook and them the darkness and not yet having come Jesus to them,
Smooth Translation:
and getting into a boat they were going across the sea to Capernaum. And the darkness overtook them, Jesus not yet having come to them,
I cannot help but think of John 1:5 where John tells us that the darkness could not overtake the light which came into the world.
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐμβάντες verb aorist active participle nominative plural masculine from ἐμβαίνω (I step into) "they getting into"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
πλοῖον noun accusative singular neuter "[a] boat"
ἤρχοντο verb imperfect middle indicative 3rd plural from ἔρχομαι (I come, I go) "they were going"
πέραν adverb "across"
τῆς definite article genitive singular feminine "the"
θαλάσσης noun genitive singular feminine "sea"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
Καφαρναούμ proper noun accusative singular feminine "Capernaum"
κατέλαβεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from καταλαμβάνω (I overtake) "[she] it overtook"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and, but"
αὐτοὺς pronoun accusative plural masculine "them"
ἡ definite article nominative singular feminine "the"
σκοτία noun nominative singular feminine "darkness"
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὔπω adverb "not yet"
ἐληλύθει verb pluperfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come, I go) "having come"
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative singular masculine "Jesus"
πρὸς preposition with accusative "to, toward"
αὐτοὺς pronoun accusative plural masculine "them"
Rough Word-by-word:
and getting into a boat they were going across the sea unto Capernaum. overtook and them the darkness and not yet having come Jesus to them,
Smooth Translation:
and getting into a boat they were going across the sea to Capernaum. And the darkness overtook them, Jesus not yet having come to them,
I cannot help but think of John 1:5 where John tells us that the darkness could not overtake the light which came into the world.
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἐμβάντες verb aorist active participle nominative plural masculine from ἐμβαίνω (I step into) "they getting into"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
πλοῖον noun accusative singular neuter "[a] boat"
ἤρχοντο verb imperfect middle indicative 3rd plural from ἔρχομαι (I come, I go) "they were going"
πέραν adverb "across"
τῆς definite article genitive singular feminine "the"
θαλάσσης noun genitive singular feminine "sea"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
Καφαρναούμ proper noun accusative singular feminine "Capernaum"
κατέλαβεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from καταλαμβάνω (I overtake) "[she] it overtook"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and, but"
αὐτοὺς pronoun accusative plural masculine "them"
ἡ definite article nominative singular feminine "the"
σκοτία noun nominative singular feminine "darkness"
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὔπω adverb "not yet"
ἐληλύθει verb pluperfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come, I go) "having come"
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative singular masculine "Jesus"
πρὸς preposition with accusative "to, toward"
αὐτοὺς pronoun accusative plural masculine "them"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
John 6:16
Ὡς δὲ ὀψία ἐγένετο, κατέβησαν οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τὴν θάλασσαν,
Rough Word-by-word:
As and evening it became, they went down the disciple of him on the sea,
Smooth Translation:
And as it became evening, his disciples went down on the sea,
Ὡς adverb "as"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and"
ὀψία noun nominative singular feminine "evening"
ἐγένετο verb aorist middle indicative 3rd singular from γίνομαι (I become) "[she] it became"
κατέβησαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from καταβαίνω (I go down) "they went down"
οἱ definite article nominative plural masculine "the"
μαθηταὶ noun nominative plural masculine "disciples"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive singular masculine "of him"
ἐπὶ preposition with accusative "on"
τὴν definite article accusative singular feminine "the"
θάλασσαν noun accusative singular feminine "sea"
Rough Word-by-word:
As and evening it became, they went down the disciple of him on the sea,
Smooth Translation:
And as it became evening, his disciples went down on the sea,
Ὡς adverb "as"
δὲ post positive conjunction "and"
ὀψία noun nominative singular feminine "evening"
ἐγένετο verb aorist middle indicative 3rd singular from γίνομαι (I become) "[she] it became"
κατέβησαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from καταβαίνω (I go down) "they went down"
οἱ definite article nominative plural masculine "the"
μαθηταὶ noun nominative plural masculine "disciples"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive singular masculine "of him"
ἐπὶ preposition with accusative "on"
τὴν definite article accusative singular feminine "the"
θάλασσαν noun accusative singular feminine "sea"
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
John 6:15
Ἰησοῦς οὖν γνοὺς ὅτι μέλλουσιν ἔρχεσθαι καὶ ἁρπάζειν αὐτὸν ἵνα ποιήσωσιν βασιλέα, φεύγει πάλιν εἰς τὸ ὄρος αὐτὸς μόνος.
Rough Word-by-word:
Jesus therefore knowing that they are about to come and to take by force him that they might make [a] king, he flees again unto the mountain himself alone.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore, as Jesus knew that they were about to come and to take him that they might make a king, fled again unto the mountain himself alone.
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative singular masculine "Jesus"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
γνοὺς aorist active participle nominative singular masculine from γινώσκω (I know) "knowing"
ὅτι conjunction "that, because"
μέλλουσιν verb present active indicative 3rd plural from μέλλω (I am about) "they are about"
ἔρχεσθαι verb present middle infinitive from ἔρχομαι (I come) "to come"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἁρπάζειν verb present active infinite from ἁρπάζω (I take by force) "to take by force"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative singular masculine "him"
ἵνα conjunction with subjunctive "that"
ποιήσωσιν verb aorist active subjunctive 3rd plural from ποιέω (I make, I do) "they might make"
βασιλέα noun accusative singular masculine "[a] king"
φεύγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from φεύγω (I flee, I escape) "he flees"
πάλιν adverb "again"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
ὄρος noun accusative singular neuter "mountain"
αὐτὸς reflexive use of pronoun nominative singular masculine "himself"
μόνος adjective nominative singular masculine "alone"
Rough Word-by-word:
Jesus therefore knowing that they are about to come and to take by force him that they might make [a] king, he flees again unto the mountain himself alone.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore, as Jesus knew that they were about to come and to take him that they might make a king, fled again unto the mountain himself alone.
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative singular masculine "Jesus"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
γνοὺς aorist active participle nominative singular masculine from γινώσκω (I know) "knowing"
ὅτι conjunction "that, because"
μέλλουσιν verb present active indicative 3rd plural from μέλλω (I am about) "they are about"
ἔρχεσθαι verb present middle infinitive from ἔρχομαι (I come) "to come"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἁρπάζειν verb present active infinite from ἁρπάζω (I take by force) "to take by force"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative singular masculine "him"
ἵνα conjunction with subjunctive "that"
ποιήσωσιν verb aorist active subjunctive 3rd plural from ποιέω (I make, I do) "they might make"
βασιλέα noun accusative singular masculine "[a] king"
φεύγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from φεύγω (I flee, I escape) "he flees"
πάλιν adverb "again"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
ὄρος noun accusative singular neuter "mountain"
αὐτὸς reflexive use of pronoun nominative singular masculine "himself"
μόνος adjective nominative singular masculine "alone"
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
John 6:14
Οἱ οὖν ἄνθρωποι ἰδόντες ὃ ἐποίησεν σημεῖον ἔλεγον ὅτι οὗτός ἐστιν ἀληθῶς ὁ προφήτης ὁ εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἐρχόμενος.
Rough Word-by-word:
the therefore men when they saw what he did [the] sign they were saying that this is truly the prophet the into the world coming.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore when the men saw the sign he did they were saying that this is truly the prophet coming into the world.
Οἱ definite article nominative plural masculine "the"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
ἄνθρωποι noun nominative plural masculine "men"
ἰδόντες verb aorist active participle nominative plural masculine from εἴδω (I see, I behold) "when they saw" (predicate position - temporal clause)
ὃ relative pronoun accusative singular neuter "what"
ἐποίησεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ποιέω (I do) "he did"
σημεῖον noun accusative singular neuter "[the] sign"
ἔλεγον verb imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from λέγω (I say) "they were saying"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
οὗτός demonstrative pronoun nominative singular masculine "this"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "he is"
ἀληθῶς adverb "truly"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
προφήτης noun nominative singular masculine "prophet"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸν definite article accusative singular masculine "the"
κόσμον noun accusative singular masculine "world"
ἐρχόμενος present middle participle nominative singular masculine from ἔρχομαι (I come) "coming"
Rough Word-by-word:
the therefore men when they saw what he did [the] sign they were saying that this is truly the prophet the into the world coming.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore when the men saw the sign he did they were saying that this is truly the prophet coming into the world.
Οἱ definite article nominative plural masculine "the"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
ἄνθρωποι noun nominative plural masculine "men"
ἰδόντες verb aorist active participle nominative plural masculine from εἴδω (I see, I behold) "when they saw" (predicate position - temporal clause)
ὃ relative pronoun accusative singular neuter "what"
ἐποίησεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ποιέω (I do) "he did"
σημεῖον noun accusative singular neuter "[the] sign"
ἔλεγον verb imperfect active indicative 3rd plural from λέγω (I say) "they were saying"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
οὗτός demonstrative pronoun nominative singular masculine "this"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "he is"
ἀληθῶς adverb "truly"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
προφήτης noun nominative singular masculine "prophet"
ὁ definite article nominative singular masculine "the"
εἰς accusative preposition "into, unto"
τὸν definite article accusative singular masculine "the"
κόσμον noun accusative singular masculine "world"
ἐρχόμενος present middle participle nominative singular masculine from ἔρχομαι (I come) "coming"
Monday, September 13, 2010
John 6:13
συνήγαγον οὖν, καὶ ἐγέμισαν δώδεκα κοφίνους κλασμάτων ἐκ τῶν πέντε ἄρτων τῶν κριθίνων, ἃ ἐπερίσσευσαν τοῖς βεβρωκόσιν.
Rough Word-by-word:
they gathered together therefore, and filled twelve baskets of pieces from the five loaves the of barley which they were left over the having been eaten.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore they gathered and filled twelve baskets of pieces which were left over from the five barley loaves having been eaten.
συνήγαγον verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from συνάγω (I gather together) "they gathered together"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
καὶ conjunction "and
ἐγέμισαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from γεμίζω (I fill) "they filled"
δώδεκα numeral accusative plural masculine "twelve"
κοφίνους noun accusative plural masculine "baskets"
κλασμάτων noun genitive plural neuter "of pieces"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from, out of"
τῶν definite article genitive plural masculine "the"
πέντε numeral genitive plural masculine "five"
ἄρτων noun genitive plural masculine "loaves"
τῶν definite article genitive plural feminine "the"
κριθίνων adjective genitive plural masculine "of barley"
ἃ relative pronoun accusative plural neuter "which"
ἐπερίσσευσαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from περισσεύω (I am left over) "they were left over"
τοῖς definite article dative plural masculine "the"
βεβρωκόσιν perfect active participle dative plural masculine from περισσεύω (I eat) "having been eaten"
Rough Word-by-word:
they gathered together therefore, and filled twelve baskets of pieces from the five loaves the of barley which they were left over the having been eaten.
Smooth Translation:
Therefore they gathered and filled twelve baskets of pieces which were left over from the five barley loaves having been eaten.
συνήγαγον verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from συνάγω (I gather together) "they gathered together"
οὖν post positive conjunction "therefore"
καὶ conjunction "and

ἐγέμισαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from γεμίζω (I fill) "they filled"
δώδεκα numeral accusative plural masculine "twelve"
κοφίνους noun accusative plural masculine "baskets"
κλασμάτων noun genitive plural neuter "of pieces"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from, out of"
τῶν definite article genitive plural masculine "the"
πέντε numeral genitive plural masculine "five"
ἄρτων noun genitive plural masculine "loaves"
τῶν definite article genitive plural feminine "the"
κριθίνων adjective genitive plural masculine "of barley"
ἃ relative pronoun accusative plural neuter "which"
ἐπερίσσευσαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from περισσεύω (I am left over) "they were left over"
τοῖς definite article dative plural masculine "the"
βεβρωκόσιν perfect active participle dative plural masculine from περισσεύω (I eat) "having been eaten"
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