Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted. Life can sometimes get very hectic. I am wondering why it is so difficult to keep up language study. I would love to explore PRACTICAL ways to build on the basics and even to maintain the basics of New Testament Greek.
1.) It seems to me that the single most important element is DAILY time spent.
This is regardless of amount of time spent. There seems to be something that happens in the brain when we read Greek. If that process can happen on a daily basis, no matter how small the amount of time, then significant retention of the language takes place.
2.) Just READING is helpful, but reading with others is even better. If ANYBODY wants to get together to read, please contact me via a comment. With all those taking Greek at the Seminary a reading group should be a possibility. I'm talking basic level here. Nothing complex. Simple Johanine reading with no proficiency level assumed.
3.) Blog comments. This COULD be a good venue for interaction.
4.) ???? (am open to suggestions)
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I agree that it's quite difficult to keep up with Greek studies!! One fairly easy thing I've found is to memorize Scripture verses in Greek.
I try to add a new verse to my repertoire every 2-3 weeks. For each verse, I look up words I'm unsure of, parse the verbs, etc. to keep the grammar in my brain. Whenever I think of it throughout each day I say each verse a few times, both the one I'm working on and the others I've already learned.
I've been doing this for about 4 months now and I've found it easy to stick with because it's not something I need to devote a lot of time to. I type the verses into my computer and have them on screen stickies in the corner so I'm always looking at them. I try to get a verse memorized during the first week, then spend the next couple weeks cementing it in my brain before I tackle a new one.
I'm not sure if this will help anyone or not, but I just thought I'd share it. It's basically a daily thing for me, and while it's not very deep and involved, it does help keep Greek in my brain.
Great idea!
Hey Marty, good to have you back. Keeping the Greek fresh is tough with our schedules. I had to give a sermon in church today, so I used that as an excuse to get back into the Greek text. It was very illuminating.
Daily study would be helpful. What would be nice is for someone who has the time to put together a daily Greek devotional journal to work on. Something structured to follow, with devotional material to keep it practical. (Don't look at me to have the time for a while...)
Tom, there actually is a devotional guide called "Light on the Path" and another one called "More Light on the Path" which do a daily Greek and Hebrew Reading similar to what you are talking about. I was going to try to get a copy, but have not yet done it.
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