πᾶς γὰρ ὁ φαῦλα πράσσων μισεῖ τὸ φῶς καὶ οὐκ ἔρχεται πρὸς τὸ φῶς, ἵνα μὴ ἐλεγχθῇ τὰ ἔργα αὐτοῦ·
Rough Word-by-word:
every for the evils one doing he hates the light and not he comes to the light, that not [it] they might be shown at fault the works of him.
Smooth Translation:
For every one doing evils hates the light and does not come to the light, that his works might not be shown at fault.
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
φαῦλα adjective accusative plural neuter "evils"
πράσσων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πράσσω (I do/I practice) "one doing"
μισεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from μισέω (I hate) "he is hating"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
φῶς noun accusative singular neuter "light"
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὐκ adverb of negation "not"
ἔρχεται present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come) "he comes"
πρὸς accusative preposition "to/toward"
τὸ definite article accusative singular neuter "the"
φῶς noun accusative singular neuter "light"
ἵνα subjunctive conjunction "that"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
ἐλεγχθῇ verb aorist passive subjunctive 3rd singular from ἐλέγχω (I show fault/I reprove) "[it] they might be shown at fault" (singular verb with plural neuter noun)
τὰ definite article accusative plural neuter "the"
ἔργα noun accusative plural neuter "works"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive masculine singular "of him"
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
John 3:19
αὕτη δέ ἐστιν ἡ κρίσις, ὅτι τὸ φῶς ἐλήλυθεν εἰς τὸν κόσμον καὶ ἠγάπησαν οἱ ἄνθρωποι μᾶλλον τὸ σκότος ἢ τὸ φῶς· ἦν γὰρ αὐτῶν πονηρὰ τὰ ἔργα.
Rough Word-by-word:
this and is the judgment, that the light has gone into the world and loved the men more the darkness than the light; was for of them evil the works.
Smooth Translation:
And this is the judgment, that the light has gone into the world and the men loved the darkness more than the light; because their works were evil.
αὕτη demonstrative pronoun nominative feminine singular "this"
δέ post positive conjunction "and/but"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from (I am) "she [it] is"
ἡ definite article nominative feminine singular "the"
κρίσις noun nominative feminine singular "judgment"
ὅτι conjunction "that/because"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
φῶς noun nominative neuter singular "light"
ἐλήλυθεν perfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come/I go) "has gone"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἠγάπησαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from (I love) "they loved"
οἱ definite article nominative masculine plural "the"
ἄνθρωποι noun nominative masculine plural "men"
μᾶλλον adverb "more/rather"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
σκότος noun nominative neuter singular "darkness"
ἢ particle "either/or/than"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
φῶς noun nominative neuter singular "light"
ἦν verb imperfect indicative 3rd singular from (I am) "it was" (singular verb with plural neuter noun)
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
αὐτῶν pronoun genitive masculine plural "of them"
πονηρὰ adjective nominative neuter plural "evil"
τὰ definite article nominative neuter plural "the"
ἔργα noun nominative neuter plural "works"
Rough Word-by-word:
this and is the judgment, that the light has gone into the world and loved the men more the darkness than the light; was for of them evil the works.
Smooth Translation:
And this is the judgment, that the light has gone into the world and the men loved the darkness more than the light; because their works were evil.
αὕτη demonstrative pronoun nominative feminine singular "this"
δέ post positive conjunction "and/but"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from (I am) "she [it] is"
ἡ definite article nominative feminine singular "the"
κρίσις noun nominative feminine singular "judgment"
ὅτι conjunction "that/because"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
φῶς noun nominative neuter singular "light"
ἐλήλυθεν perfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come/I go) "has gone"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ἠγάπησαν verb aorist active indicative 3rd plural from (I love) "they loved"
οἱ definite article nominative masculine plural "the"
ἄνθρωποι noun nominative masculine plural "men"
μᾶλλον adverb "more/rather"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
σκότος noun nominative neuter singular "darkness"
ἢ particle "either/or/than"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
φῶς noun nominative neuter singular "light"
ἦν verb imperfect indicative 3rd singular from (I am) "it was" (singular verb with plural neuter noun)
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
αὐτῶν pronoun genitive masculine plural "of them"
πονηρὰ adjective nominative neuter plural "evil"
τὰ definite article nominative neuter plural "the"
ἔργα noun nominative neuter plural "works"
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
John 3:18
ὁ πιστεύων εἰς αὐτὸν οὐ κρίνεται· ὁ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται, ὅτι μὴ πεπίστευκεν εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ μονογενοῦς υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ.
Rough Word-by-word:
The one believing into him not is being judged; the not one believing already has been judged, because not he has believed into the name the only born son the of God.
Smooth Translation:
The one believing in him is not being judged; the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the name of the only born son of God.
Notice the passives and the perfects in this verse and "faith" as a verb...
Judgment is passive while belief or faith is active.
There are "believers," "not believers," and those who "have not believed."
There are "those not being judged" and "those who have already been judged."
Judgment is already determined for those who have determined to not believe, but there is an active ongoing negation of judgment for those who believe.
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
οὐ adverb of negation "not"
κρίνεται verb present passive indicative 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "is being judged"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
ἤδη adverb "already"
κέκριται perfect passive indicative 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "he has been judged"
ὅτι conjunction "because"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
πεπίστευκεν verb perfect active indicative 3rd singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "he has believed"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸ definite article accusative neuter singular "the"
ὄνομα noun accusative neuter singular "name"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
μονογενοῦς adjective genitive masculine singular "only born"
υἱοῦ noun genitive masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
θεοῦ proper noun genitive masculine singular "of God"
Rough Word-by-word:
The one believing into him not is being judged; the not one believing already has been judged, because not he has believed into the name the only born son the of God.
Smooth Translation:
The one believing in him is not being judged; the one not believing has already been judged, because he has not believed in the name of the only born son of God.
Notice the passives and the perfects in this verse and "faith" as a verb...
Judgment is passive while belief or faith is active.
There are "believers," "not believers," and those who "have not believed."
There are "those not being judged" and "those who have already been judged."
Judgment is already determined for those who have determined to not believe, but there is an active ongoing negation of judgment for those who believe.
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
οὐ adverb of negation "not"
κρίνεται verb present passive indicative 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "is being judged"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
ἤδη adverb "already"
κέκριται perfect passive indicative 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "he has been judged"
ὅτι conjunction "because"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
πεπίστευκεν verb perfect active indicative 3rd singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "he has believed"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸ definite article accusative neuter singular "the"
ὄνομα noun accusative neuter singular "name"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
μονογενοῦς adjective genitive masculine singular "only born"
υἱοῦ noun genitive masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
θεοῦ proper noun genitive masculine singular "of God"
Thursday, October 22, 2009
John 3:17
οὐ γὰρ ἀπέστειλεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν υἱὸν εἰς τὸν κόσμον ἵνα κρίνῃ τὸν κόσμον, ἀλλ' ἵνα σωθῇ ὁ κόσμος δι' αὐτοῦ.
Rough Word-by-word:
not for he sent the God the son into the world that he might judge the world, but that he might be saved the world through him.
Smooth Translation:
For God did not send the son into the world that he might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
οὐ adverb of negation "not"
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
ἀπέστειλεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ἀποστέλλω (I send) "he sent"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
θεὸς proper noun nominative masculine singular "God"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
κρίνῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "he might judge"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
ἵνα conjunction signaling subjunctive "that"
σωθῇ verb aorist passive subjunctive 3rd singular from σώζω (I save) "it [he] might be saved"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
κόσμος noun nominative masculine singular "world"
δι' preposition with genitive "through/by means of"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive masculine singular "of him"
Rough Word-by-word:
not for he sent the God the son into the world that he might judge the world, but that he might be saved the world through him.
Smooth Translation:
For God did not send the son into the world that he might judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.
οὐ adverb of negation "not"
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
ἀπέστειλεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ἀποστέλλω (I send) "he sent"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
θεὸς proper noun nominative masculine singular "God"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
κρίνῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from κρίνω (I judge) "he might judge"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
ἵνα conjunction signaling subjunctive "that"
σωθῇ verb aorist passive subjunctive 3rd singular from σώζω (I save) "it [he] might be saved"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
κόσμος noun nominative masculine singular "world"
δι' preposition with genitive "through/by means of"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive masculine singular "of him"
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
John 3:16
οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν, ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων εἰς αὐτὸν μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ' ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον.
Rough Word-by-word:
As this for loved the God the world, so that the son the one born he gave, that every the one believing into him not may perish but he may have life eternal.
Smooth Translation:
For so loved God the world, that he gave the one born son, that every one believing in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
It is hard to give a translation other than the familiar one here because this is such a well known verse.
There are theological implications for how we translate μονογενῆ so I chose to use a literal rendering of the compounds. This may be an idiomatic word. I really don't know. The gloss in the UBS 4 lexicon is "only, unique."
The οὕτως ἠγάπησεν "so loved" seems to indicate the how of God's love, not necessarily the degree, even though the degree is extreme and is certainly implied.
οὕτως compound adverb "as this/so"
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
ἠγάπησεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ἀγαπάω (I love) "he loved"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
θεὸς proper noun nominative masculine singular "God"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ὥστε conjunction "so that"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
μονογενῆ substantive adjective accusative masculine singular "one born/only/unique"
ἔδωκεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from δίδωμι (I give) "he gave"
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
ἀπόληται verb aorist middle subjunctive 3rd singular from ἀπόλλυμι (I perish) "he may perish"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
ἔχῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from ἔχω (I have) "he may have"
ζωὴν noun accusative feminine singular "life"
αἰώνιον adjective accusative feminine singular "eternal"
Rough Word-by-word:
As this for loved the God the world, so that the son the one born he gave, that every the one believing into him not may perish but he may have life eternal.
Smooth Translation:
For so loved God the world, that he gave the one born son, that every one believing in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
It is hard to give a translation other than the familiar one here because this is such a well known verse.
There are theological implications for how we translate μονογενῆ so I chose to use a literal rendering of the compounds. This may be an idiomatic word. I really don't know. The gloss in the UBS 4 lexicon is "only, unique."
The οὕτως ἠγάπησεν "so loved" seems to indicate the how of God's love, not necessarily the degree, even though the degree is extreme and is certainly implied.
οὕτως compound adverb "as this/so"
γὰρ post positive conjunction "for"
ἠγάπησεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ἀγαπάω (I love) "he loved"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
θεὸς proper noun nominative masculine singular "God"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
κόσμον noun accusative masculine singular "world"
ὥστε conjunction "so that"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
μονογενῆ substantive adjective accusative masculine singular "one born/only/unique"
ἔδωκεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from δίδωμι (I give) "he gave"
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
μὴ adverb of negation "not"
ἀπόληται verb aorist middle subjunctive 3rd singular from ἀπόλλυμι (I perish) "he may perish"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
ἔχῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from ἔχω (I have) "he may have"
ζωὴν noun accusative feminine singular "life"
αἰώνιον adjective accusative feminine singular "eternal"
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
John 3:15
ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων ἐν αὐτῷ ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον.
Rough Word-by-word:
that every the one believing in to him he might have life eternal.
Smooth Translation:
that every one believing in him might have eternal life.
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative masculine singular "to him"
ἔχῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from ἔχω (I have) "he might have"
ζωὴν noun accusative feminine singular "life"
αἰώνιον adjective accusative feminine singular "eternal" (idiomatic)
Rough Word-by-word:
that every the one believing in to him he might have life eternal.
Smooth Translation:
that every one believing in him might have eternal life.
ἵνα conjunction signaling the subjunctive "that"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
πιστεύων present active participle nominative masculine singular from πιστεύω (I believe) "one believing"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative masculine singular "to him"
ἔχῃ verb present active subjunctive 3rd singular from ἔχω (I have) "he might have"
ζωὴν noun accusative feminine singular "life"
αἰώνιον adjective accusative feminine singular "eternal" (idiomatic)
Monday, October 19, 2009
John 3:14
καὶ καθὼς Μωϋσῆς ὕψωσεν τὸν ὄφιν ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, οὕτως ὑψωθῆναι δεῖ τὸν υἱὸν τοῦ ἀνθρώπου,
Rough Word-by-word:
And also as Moses he lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, as this to be lifted up must the son the of man,
Smooth Translation:
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up,
καὶ conjunction "and"
καθὼς compound adverb "also as"
Μωϋσῆς proper noun nominative masculine singular "Moses" (indeclinable)
ὕψωσεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ὑψόω (I lift up) "he lifted up"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
ὄφιν noun accusative masculine singular "serpent"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
τῇ definite article dative feminine singular "the"
ἐρήμῳ substantive adjective dative feminine singular "wilderness"
οὕτως compound adverb "as this"
ὑψωθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from ὑψόω (I lift up) "to be lifted up"
δεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from δεῖ (must) "must"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
ἀνθρώπου noun genitive masculine singular "of man"
Rough Word-by-word:
And also as Moses he lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, as this to be lifted up must the son the of man,
Smooth Translation:
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the son of man be lifted up,
καὶ conjunction "and"
καθὼς compound adverb "also as"
Μωϋσῆς proper noun nominative masculine singular "Moses" (indeclinable)
ὕψωσεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from ὑψόω (I lift up) "he lifted up"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
ὄφιν noun accusative masculine singular "serpent"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
τῇ definite article dative feminine singular "the"
ἐρήμῳ substantive adjective dative feminine singular "wilderness"
οὕτως compound adverb "as this"
ὑψωθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from ὑψόω (I lift up) "to be lifted up"
δεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from δεῖ (must) "must"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸν noun accusative masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
ἀνθρώπου noun genitive masculine singular "of man"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
John 3:13
καὶ οὐδεὶς ἀναβέβηκεν εἰς τὸν οὐρανὸν εἰ μὴ ὁ ἐκ τοῦ οὐρανοῦ καταβάς, ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ἀνθρώπου ὁ ὢν ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ.
Rough Word-by-word:
And no one he has gone up into the heaven if not the out of the heaven having gone down, the son the of man the one being in the heaven.
Smooth Translation:
And no one has gone up into heaven if not having gone down from heaven, the son of man in heaven.
What a heavenly verse. Jesus, being in heaven, came down out of heaven and went up into heaven. The divine incarnation is being clearly spoken about here.
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὐδεὶς adjective nominative masculine singular "no one"
ἀναβέβηκεν verb perfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἀναβαίνω (I go up) "he has gone up"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
οὐρανὸν noun accusative masculine singular "heaven"
εἰ conditional conjunction "if"
μὴ negative particle "not"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
οὐρανοῦ noun genitive masculine singular "of heaven"
καταβάς aorist active participle nominative masculine singular from καταβαίνω (I go down) "having gone down" (predicate position participle with temporal clause indicating action prior to the action of the main verb of the clause)
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸς noun nominative masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
ἀνθρώπου noun genitive masculine singular "of man"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
ὢν present active participle nominative masculine singular from εἰμί (I am) "one being"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
τῷ definite article dative masculine singular "the"
οὐρανῷ noun dative masculine singular "heaven"
Rough Word-by-word:
And no one he has gone up into the heaven if not the out of the heaven having gone down, the son the of man the one being in the heaven.
Smooth Translation:
And no one has gone up into heaven if not having gone down from heaven, the son of man in heaven.
What a heavenly verse. Jesus, being in heaven, came down out of heaven and went up into heaven. The divine incarnation is being clearly spoken about here.
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὐδεὶς adjective nominative masculine singular "no one"
ἀναβέβηκεν verb perfect active indicative 3rd singular from ἀναβαίνω (I go up) "he has gone up"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
τὸν definite article accusative masculine singular "the"
οὐρανὸν noun accusative masculine singular "heaven"
εἰ conditional conjunction "if"
μὴ negative particle "not"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
οὐρανοῦ noun genitive masculine singular "of heaven"
καταβάς aorist active participle nominative masculine singular from καταβαίνω (I go down) "having gone down" (predicate position participle with temporal clause indicating action prior to the action of the main verb of the clause)
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
υἱὸς noun nominative masculine singular "son"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
ἀνθρώπου noun genitive masculine singular "of man"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
ὢν present active participle nominative masculine singular from εἰμί (I am) "one being"
ἐν dative preposition "in"
τῷ definite article dative masculine singular "the"
οὐρανῷ noun dative masculine singular "heaven"
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
John 3:12
εἰ τὰ ἐπίγεια εἶπον ὑμῖν καὶ οὐ πιστεύετε, πῶς ἐὰν εἴπω ὑμῖν τὰ ἐπουράνια πιστεύσετε;
Rough Word-by-word:
If the on earth [things] I said to you all and not you all believe, how if I might say to you the on heaven [things] will you all believe?
Smooth Translation:
If I said to you earthly things and you all do not believe, how will you believe if I might say to you heavenly things?
εἰ conditional conjunction "If"
τὰ definite article accusative neuter plural "the"
ἐπίγεια adjective accusative neuter plural "on earth/earthly"
εἶπον verb imperfect active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I was saying"
ὑμῖν pronoun dative 2nd plural "to you all"
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὐ negative particle "not"
πιστεύετε verb present active indicative 2nd plural from πιστεύω (I believe) "you all believe"
πῶς adverb "how"
ἐὰν conditional conjunction "if"
εἴπω verb aorist active subjunctive from λέγω (I say) "I might say"
ὑμῖν pronoun dative 2nd plural "to you all"
τὰ definite article accusative neuter plural "the"
ἐπουράνια adjective accusative neuter plural "on heaven/heavenly"
πιστεύσετε verb future active indicative 2nd plural from πιστεύω (I believe) "will you all believe"
Rough Word-by-word:
If the on earth [things] I said to you all and not you all believe, how if I might say to you the on heaven [things] will you all believe?
Smooth Translation:
If I said to you earthly things and you all do not believe, how will you believe if I might say to you heavenly things?
εἰ conditional conjunction "If"
τὰ definite article accusative neuter plural "the"
ἐπίγεια adjective accusative neuter plural "on earth/earthly"
εἶπον verb imperfect active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I was saying"
ὑμῖν pronoun dative 2nd plural "to you all"
καὶ conjunction "and"
οὐ negative particle "not"
πιστεύετε verb present active indicative 2nd plural from πιστεύω (I believe) "you all believe"
πῶς adverb "how"
ἐὰν conditional conjunction "if"
εἴπω verb aorist active subjunctive from λέγω (I say) "I might say"
ὑμῖν pronoun dative 2nd plural "to you all"
τὰ definite article accusative neuter plural "the"
ἐπουράνια adjective accusative neuter plural "on heaven/heavenly"
πιστεύσετε verb future active indicative 2nd plural from πιστεύω (I believe) "will you all believe"
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
John 3:11
ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω σοι ὅτι ὃ οἴδαμεν λαλοῦμεν καὶ ὃ ἑωράκαμεν μαρτυροῦμεν, καὶ τὴν μαρτυρίαν ἡμῶν οὐ λαμβάνετε.
Rough Word-by-word:
Truly, truly I say to you that what we know we speak and what we have seen we testify, and the testimony of us not you all take.
Smooth Translation:
Truly, truly I say to you that what we know we speak and what we have seen we testify, and you all do not take our testimony.
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
λέγω verb present active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I say"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
ὃ relative pronoun "what"
οἴδαμεν verb perfect active indicative 1st plural from εἴδω (I know) "we know"
λαλοῦμεν verb present active indicative 1st plural from λαλέω (I speak) "we speak"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ὃ relative pronoun "what"
ἑωράκαμεν verb perfect active indicative 1st plural from ὁράω (I see) "we have seen"
μαρτυροῦμεν verb present active indicative 1st plural from μαρτυρέω (I testify) "we testify"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
μαρτυρίαν noun accusative feminine singular "testimony"
ἡμῶν pronoun genitive 1st plural "of us"
οὐ negative particle "not"
λαμβάνετε verb present active indicative 2nd plural from λαμβάνω (I take/I receive) "you all take"
Rough Word-by-word:
Truly, truly I say to you that what we know we speak and what we have seen we testify, and the testimony of us not you all take.
Smooth Translation:
Truly, truly I say to you that what we know we speak and what we have seen we testify, and you all do not take our testimony.
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
λέγω verb present active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I say"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
ὃ relative pronoun "what"
οἴδαμεν verb perfect active indicative 1st plural from εἴδω (I know) "we know"
λαλοῦμεν verb present active indicative 1st plural from λαλέω (I speak) "we speak"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ὃ relative pronoun "what"
ἑωράκαμεν verb perfect active indicative 1st plural from ὁράω (I see) "we have seen"
μαρτυροῦμεν verb present active indicative 1st plural from μαρτυρέω (I testify) "we testify"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
μαρτυρίαν noun accusative feminine singular "testimony"
ἡμῶν pronoun genitive 1st plural "of us"
οὐ negative particle "not"
λαμβάνετε verb present active indicative 2nd plural from λαμβάνω (I take/I receive) "you all take"
Monday, October 12, 2009
John 3:10
ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ· σὺ εἶ ὁ διδάσκαλος τοῦ Ἰσραὴλ καὶ ταῦτα οὐ γινώσκεις;
Rough Word-by word:
answered Jesus and he said to him, "you are the teacher the of Israel and these things not you know?"
Smooth Translation:
Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and you do not know these things?"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative masculine singular "Jesus"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εἶπεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he said"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative singular "to him"
σὺ pronoun nominative 2nd singular "you"

εἶ verb present indicative 2nd singular from εἰμί (I am) "you are"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
διδάσκαλος noun nominative masculine singular "teacher"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
Ἰσραὴλ proper noun genitive masculine singular "of Israel"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ταῦτα demonstrative pronoun nominative neuter plural "these things"
οὐ negative particle "not"
γινώσκεις verb present active indicative 2nd singular from γινώσκω (I know) "you know"
Rough Word-by word:
answered Jesus and he said to him, "you are the teacher the of Israel and these things not you know?"
Smooth Translation:
Jesus answered and said to him, "Are you the teacher of Israel and you do not know these things?"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Ἰησοῦς proper noun nominative masculine singular "Jesus"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εἶπεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he said"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative singular "to him"
σὺ pronoun nominative 2nd singular "you"

εἶ verb present indicative 2nd singular from εἰμί (I am) "you are"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
διδάσκαλος noun nominative masculine singular "teacher"
τοῦ definite article genitive masculine singular "the"
Ἰσραὴλ proper noun genitive masculine singular "of Israel"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ταῦτα demonstrative pronoun nominative neuter plural "these things"
οὐ negative particle "not"
γινώσκεις verb present active indicative 2nd singular from γινώσκω (I know) "you know"
Thursday, October 8, 2009
John 3:9
ἀπεκρίθη Νικόδημος καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ· πῶς δύναται ταῦτα γενέσθαι;
Rough Word-by-word:
he answered Nicodemus and he said to him, "How is able these things to become?"
Smooth Translation:
Nicodemus answered and said to him, "How can these things be?"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive deponent 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Νικόδημος proper noun nominative masculine singular "Nicodemus"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εἶπεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he said"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative masculine singular "to him"
πῶς adverb "how"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι ( I am able) "it is able"
ταῦτα demonstrative pronoun nominative neuter plural "these [things]"
γενέσθαι verb aorist middle infinitive from γίνομαι (I become) "to become"
Rough Word-by-word:
he answered Nicodemus and he said to him, "How is able these things to become?"
Smooth Translation:
Nicodemus answered and said to him, "How can these things be?"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive deponent 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Νικόδημος proper noun nominative masculine singular "Nicodemus"
καὶ conjunction "and"
εἶπεν verb aorist active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he said"
αὐτῷ pronoun dative masculine singular "to him"
πῶς adverb "how"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι ( I am able) "it is able"
ταῦτα demonstrative pronoun nominative neuter plural "these [things]"
γενέσθαι verb aorist middle infinitive from γίνομαι (I become) "to become"
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
John 3:8
τὸ πνεῦμα ὅπου θέλει πνεῖ, καὶ τὴν φωνὴν αὐτοῦ ἀκούεις, ἀλλ' οὐκ οἶδας πόθεν ἔρχεται καὶ ποῦ ὑπάγει· οὕτως ἐστὶν πᾶς ὁ γεγεννημένος ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος.
Rough Word-by-word:
The spirit where it wills it blows, and the sound of it you hear, but not you know from where it comes and where it leads under; as this is every the one having been born from the spirit.
Smooth Translation:
The spirit blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know from where it comes and where it goes away; like this is every one having been born from the spirit.
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
πνεῦμα noun nominative neuter singular "spirit"
ὅπου adverb "where"
θέλει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from θέλω (I wish/I will) "it wills"
πνεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from πνέω (I blow) "it blows"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
φωνὴν noun accusative feminine singular "sound"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive neuter singular "of it"
ἀκούεις verb present active indicative 2nd singular from ἀκούω (I hear) "you hear"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
οὐκ negative conjunction "not"
οἶδας verb perfect active indicative 2nd singular from εἴδω (I know) "you know"
πόθεν adverb "from where"
ἔρχεται verb present middle deponent indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come) "it comes"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ποῦ adverb "where"
ὑπάγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from ὑπάγω (I lead under) "it leads under" (somewhat idiomatic meaning "it goes away")
οὕτως compound conjunction "as this"
ἐστὶν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
γεγεννημένος perfect passive participle nominative masculine singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive neuter singular "the"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "spirit"
Rough Word-by-word:
The spirit where it wills it blows, and the sound of it you hear, but not you know from where it comes and where it leads under; as this is every the one having been born from the spirit.
Smooth Translation:
The spirit blows where it wills, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know from where it comes and where it goes away; like this is every one having been born from the spirit.
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
πνεῦμα noun nominative neuter singular "spirit"
ὅπου adverb "where"
θέλει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from θέλω (I wish/I will) "it wills"
πνεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from πνέω (I blow) "it blows"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
φωνὴν noun accusative feminine singular "sound"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive neuter singular "of it"
ἀκούεις verb present active indicative 2nd singular from ἀκούω (I hear) "you hear"
ἀλλ' strong adversative conjunction "but"
οὐκ negative conjunction "not"
οἶδας verb perfect active indicative 2nd singular from εἴδω (I know) "you know"
πόθεν adverb "from where"
ἔρχεται verb present middle deponent indicative 3rd singular from ἔρχομαι (I come) "it comes"
καὶ conjunction "and"
ποῦ adverb "where"
ὑπάγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from ὑπάγω (I lead under) "it leads under" (somewhat idiomatic meaning "it goes away")
οὕτως compound conjunction "as this"
ἐστὶν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
πᾶς adjective nominative masculine singular "all/every"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
γεγεννημένος perfect passive participle nominative masculine singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive neuter singular "the"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "spirit"
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
John 3:7
μὴ θαυμάσῃς ὅτι εἶπόν σοι· δεῖ ὑμᾶς γεννηθῆναι ἄνωθεν.
Rough Word-by-word:
not you might marvel that I said to you, "Must you all to be born from above."
Smooth Translation:
You might not marvel that I said to you, "You all must be born from above."
I would have thought that θαυμάσῃς was imperative, but it is subjunctive. Faith in Christ's words is possible.
Also the 2nd plural pronoun used by Jesus indicates that Jesus is telling Nicodemus something that is not just for him, but for everyone wishing to see and enter the Kingdom of God.
μὴ negative particle "not"
θαυμάσῃς verb present active subjunctive 2nd singular from θαυμάζω (I marvel) "you might marvel"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
εἶπόν verb aorist active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I was saying"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
δεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from δεῖ (it is necessary/ it must) "it must" (This is the lexical form)
ὑμᾶς pronoun accusative 2nd plural "you all"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
ἄνωθεν adverb "from above"
Rough Word-by-word:
not you might marvel that I said to you, "Must you all to be born from above."
Smooth Translation:
You might not marvel that I said to you, "You all must be born from above."
I would have thought that θαυμάσῃς was imperative, but it is subjunctive. Faith in Christ's words is possible.
Also the 2nd plural pronoun used by Jesus indicates that Jesus is telling Nicodemus something that is not just for him, but for everyone wishing to see and enter the Kingdom of God.
μὴ negative particle "not"
θαυμάσῃς verb present active subjunctive 2nd singular from θαυμάζω (I marvel) "you might marvel"
ὅτι conjunction "that"
εἶπόν verb aorist active indicative 1st singular from λέγω (I say) "I was saying"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
δεῖ verb present active indicative 3rd singular from δεῖ (it is necessary/ it must) "it must" (This is the lexical form)
ὑμᾶς pronoun accusative 2nd plural "you all"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
ἄνωθεν adverb "from above"
Monday, October 5, 2009
John 3:6
τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τῆς σαρκὸς σάρξ ἐστιν, καὶ τὸ γεγεννημένον ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος πνεῦμά ἐστιν.
Rough Word-by-word:
The one having been born out of the flesh flesh it is, and the one having been born out of spirit spirit it is.
Smooth Translation:
The one having been born out of the flesh is flesh, and the one having been born out of spirit is spirit.
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
γεγεννημένον perfect middle participle nominative neuter singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τῆς definite article genitive feminine singular "the"
σαρκὸς noun genitive feminine singular "of flesh"
σάρξ noun nominative genitive singular "flesh"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
γεγεννημένον perfect middle participle nominative neuter singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive neuter singular "the"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "of spirit"
πνεῦμά noun nominative neuter singular "spirit"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
Rough Word-by-word:
The one having been born out of the flesh flesh it is, and the one having been born out of spirit spirit it is.
Smooth Translation:
The one having been born out of the flesh is flesh, and the one having been born out of spirit is spirit.
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
γεγεννημένον perfect middle participle nominative neuter singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τῆς definite article genitive feminine singular "the"
σαρκὸς noun genitive feminine singular "of flesh"
σάρξ noun nominative genitive singular "flesh"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
καὶ conjunction "and"
τὸ definite article nominative neuter singular "the"
γεγεννημένον perfect middle participle nominative neuter singular from γεννάω (I am born) "one having been born"
ἐκ genitive preposition "from/out of"
τοῦ definite article genitive neuter singular "the"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "of spirit"
πνεῦμά noun nominative neuter singular "spirit"
ἐστιν verb present indicative 3rd singular from εἰμί (I am) "it is"
Friday, October 2, 2009
John 3:5
ἀπεκρίθη Ἰησοῦς· ἀμὴν ἀμὴν λέγω σοι, ἐὰν μή τις γεννηθῇ ἐξ ὕδατος καὶ πνεύματος, οὐ δύναται εἰσελθεῖν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τῶν οὐρανῶν.
Rough Word-by-word:
he answered Jesus, "Truly truly I say to you, 'If not one he is born out of water and spirit, not he is able to come in into the Kingdom the of heavens.'"
Smooth Translation:
Jesus answered, "Truly, truly I say to you, 'If one is not born out of water and spirit, he is not able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive indicative 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Ἰησοῦς Proper noun nominative masculine singular "Jesus"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
λέγω verb present active indicative 1st singluar from λέγω (I say) "I say"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
ἐὰν conditional particle "if"
μή negative particle "not"
τις pronoun nominative masculine singular "one"
γεννηθῇ verb aorist passive subjunctive 3rd singular from γεννάω (I am born) "he may be born"
ἐξ genitive preposition "from/out of"
ὕδατος noun genitive neuter singular "water"
καὶ conjunction "and"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "spirit"
οὐ negative particle "not"
δύναται verb present passive indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
εἰσελθεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from εἰσέρχομαι (I come in) "to come in"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
βασιλείαν noun accusative feminine singular "Kingdom"
τῶν definite article genitive masculine plural "the"
οὐρανῶν noun genitive masculine plural "heavens"
Rough Word-by-word:
he answered Jesus, "Truly truly I say to you, 'If not one he is born out of water and spirit, not he is able to come in into the Kingdom the of heavens.'"
Smooth Translation:
Jesus answered, "Truly, truly I say to you, 'If one is not born out of water and spirit, he is not able to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.'"
ἀπεκρίθη verb aorist passive indicative 3rd singular from ἀποκρίνομαι (I answer) "he answered"
Ἰησοῦς Proper noun nominative masculine singular "Jesus"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
ἀμὴν adverb "truly"
λέγω verb present active indicative 1st singluar from λέγω (I say) "I say"
σοι pronoun dative 2nd singular "to you"
ἐὰν conditional particle "if"
μή negative particle "not"
τις pronoun nominative masculine singular "one"
γεννηθῇ verb aorist passive subjunctive 3rd singular from γεννάω (I am born) "he may be born"
ἐξ genitive preposition "from/out of"
ὕδατος noun genitive neuter singular "water"
καὶ conjunction "and"
πνεύματος noun genitive neuter singular "spirit"
οὐ negative particle "not"
δύναται verb present passive indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
εἰσελθεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from εἰσέρχομαι (I come in) "to come in"
εἰς accusative preposition "into"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
βασιλείαν noun accusative feminine singular "Kingdom"
τῶν definite article genitive masculine plural "the"
οὐρανῶν noun genitive masculine plural "heavens"
Thursday, October 1, 2009
John 3:4
λέγει πρὸς αὐτὸν ὁ Νικόδημος· πῶς δύναται ἄνθρωπος γεννηθῆναι γέρων ὤν; μὴ δύναται εἰς τὴν κοιλίαν τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ δεύτερον εἰσελθεῖν καὶ γεννηθῆναι;
Rough Word-by-word:
he says to him the Nicodemus, "How he is able man to be born old man being? Not he is able into the womb the of mother of him second time to go in and to be born?"
Smooth Translation:
Nicodemus said to him, "How is man able to be born being old? Is he able to go in the womb of his mother a second time and be born?"
λέγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he says"
πρὸς preposition with accusative "to/toward"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
Νικόδημος proper noun nominative masculine singular "Nicodemus"
πῶς interrogative pronoun "how"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
ἄνθρωπος noun nominative masculine singular "man"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
γέρων noun nominative masculine singular "old man"
ὤν present active participle nominative masculine singular from εἰμί (I am) "as being"
μὴ negative particle "not"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
κοιλίαν noun accusative feminine singular "belly/womb"
τῆς definite article genitive feminine singular "the"
μητρὸς noun genitive feminine singular "mother"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive masculine singular "of him"
δεύτερον adverb "second time"
εἰσελθεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from εἰσέρχομαι (I come in) "to come in"
καὶ conjunction "and"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
Rough Word-by-word:
he says to him the Nicodemus, "How he is able man to be born old man being? Not he is able into the womb the of mother of him second time to go in and to be born?"
Smooth Translation:
Nicodemus said to him, "How is man able to be born being old? Is he able to go in the womb of his mother a second time and be born?"
λέγει verb present active indicative 3rd singular from λέγω (I say) "he says"
πρὸς preposition with accusative "to/toward"
αὐτὸν pronoun accusative masculine singular "him"
ὁ definite article nominative masculine singular "the"
Νικόδημος proper noun nominative masculine singular "Nicodemus"
πῶς interrogative pronoun "how"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
ἄνθρωπος noun nominative masculine singular "man"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
γέρων noun nominative masculine singular "old man"
ὤν present active participle nominative masculine singular from εἰμί (I am) "as being"
μὴ negative particle "not"
δύναται verb present passive deponent indicative 3rd singular from δύναμαι (I am able) "he is able"
εἰς accusative preposition "into/unto"
τὴν definite article accusative feminine singular "the"
κοιλίαν noun accusative feminine singular "belly/womb"
τῆς definite article genitive feminine singular "the"
μητρὸς noun genitive feminine singular "mother"
αὐτοῦ pronoun genitive masculine singular "of him"
δεύτερον adverb "second time"
εἰσελθεῖν verb aorist active infinitive from εἰσέρχομαι (I come in) "to come in"
καὶ conjunction "and"
γεννηθῆναι verb aorist passive infinitive from γεννάω (I am born) "to be born"
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