Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted. Life can sometimes get very hectic. I am wondering why it is so difficult to keep up language study. I would love to explore PRACTICAL ways to build on the basics and even to maintain the basics of New Testament Greek.
1.) It seems to me that the single most important element is DAILY time spent.
This is regardless of amount of time spent. There seems to be something that happens in the brain when we read Greek. If that process can happen on a daily basis, no matter how small the amount of time, then significant retention of the language takes place.
2.) Just READING is helpful, but reading with others is even better. If ANYBODY wants to get together to read, please contact me via a comment. With all those taking Greek at the Seminary a reading group should be a
possibility. I'm talking basic
level here. Nothing complex. Simple
Johanine reading with no proficiency level assumed.
3.) Blog comments. This COULD be a good venue for interaction.
4.) ???? (am open to suggestions)